Improvement of olive grove cultivation techniques
Miglioramento della qualità, tecniche per la riduzione dei costi di produzione.
Improvement of storage techniques
Storage is essential because the oil is consumed all year round
Hygienic-sanitary improvement of the oil
Drafting of the hygienic-sanitary self-control manual (HACCP)
Product quality assurance
APOM with the collaboration of UNAPROL for the highest quality

Agricola Produttori Olivicoli Messinesi
The Soc. Coop. A.P.O.M. a r.l. is a regional organization of olive producers that has been operating for over thirty years ...
Marketing in European markets
Marketing of organic oils certified under the REG. CE 2092/91, DOP Valdemone and Tracciati oils (UNI EN ISO 22005: 2007 standard) ...
Certified quality of olive oil
The program of activities aims to improve the conditions of transparency of the olive oil market ...

Health Benefits

It prevents heart attacks
Olive oil protects the heart from heart attacks, especially if we eat it in the evening.
Reduces cholesterol levels
The health benefits of olive oil include lower blood cholesterol levels.
Improve your memory
The antioxidants in olive oils have been shown to reverse the memory deficits linked to the disease.
Helps digestion
Although rich in calories, olive oil has been shown to help reduce obesity levels.
Helps fight cancer
The elements in olive oil can reduce the risk of breast cancer and its recurrence.
Prevents blood clotting
Olive oil can reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes, it also improves blood clotting.